
Subsystems lists services and service descriptions offered by organisations that have joined the Data Exchange Layer. A subsystem is used to provide services through the Data Exchange Layer and to connect systems that are used for utilising the services to the Data Exchange Layer.

If you wish to implement a service that is listed in the API Catalogue, read our instructions on implementing services and contact the service provider.

68 subsystems
  • Huoneistotietojarjestelma

    Suomessa on otettu vuonna 2019 käyttöön sähköinen huoneistotietojärjestelmä. Huoneistotietojärjestelmään kerätään vähitellen kattavat tiedot osakehuoneistojen, kuten asuntojen ja autopaikkojen, omistuksista, panttauksista ja rajoituksista. Kun osakehuoneistolla on sähköinen omistajamerkintä, se korvaa paperisen osakekirjan käytön...
    • WSDL
    • WSDL
  • e-Authorizations

    General description e-Authorizations is a service that enables an organisation to verify the mandates of a person or a company to act online on behalf of another person or a company they represent. When verifying the mandates, the organisation's e-service enquiries the e-Authorizations service in order to determine whether the...
    • WSDL
  • Testservice

    Test the connection between your Security Server and the Data Exchange Layer Purpose of the testing services The Testservice allows you to test the connection of your Security Server to the Data Exchange Layer. The subsystem also contains a few simple test services that allow you to test the operation of SOAP and REST messages...
    • WSDL
    • REST
  • The Business Information System BIS ("YTJ" in Finnish)

    The Business Information System BIS ("YTJ" in Finnish) is a service jointly maintained by the Finnish Patent and Registration Office (PRH) and the Finnish Tax Administration.
    • PDF
    • WSDL
    • XLSX
    • WSDL
    • WSDL
  • Maintaining the Population Information System

    What is the VTJyllapito interface? The Population Information System is a basic register containing the personal data about Finnish citizens and foreign citizens residing in Finland on a permanent or temporary basis. The system also contains the information on buildings, construction projects and dwellings as well as the details of the...
    • WSDL
  • Population Information System query interface

    Population Information System query interface What does the service offer? The Population Information System query interface of the Digital and Population Data Services Agency is intended for a situations where your organisation needs the following information from the Population Information System: personal data building information...
    • XML
    • XSD
    • WSDL
  • KantaKyselyJaValityspalvelu

    The Delivery of Medical Certificates is part of the Kanta Services and allows certificates and statements to be transmitted to organisations outside the healthcare and social welfare sector. The Delivery of Medical Certificates is currently used for the transmission of certificates and statements included in form-based healthcare...
    • WSDL
You can also access this registry using the API (see API Docs).