Welcome to the API Catalogue

The Suomi.fi Data Exchange Layer is a uniform and secure solution that enables your organisation to manage data transfer related to electronic transactions with other organisations.

Organisations that have joined the Suomi.fi Data Exchange Layer and the services that they provide are listed in the API Catalogue. Therefore, API Catalogue forms a directory where you can easily find an interesting service and agree on the implementation of the service with its service provider.

In the API Catalogue you can read about

Registration to the API Catalogue is done as a part of the deployment of Suomi.fi Data Exchange Layer. Read how your organisation can start to use the Data Exhange Layer.

Examples of subsystems

Asumisen rahoitus- ja kehittämiskeskus (Ara)


The Energy Performance Certificate Register’s interface service can be used to retrieve the energy certificate information of an...

Asumisen rahoitus- ja kehittämiskeskus (Ara)


The queue number register is a service intended for right-of-occupancy communities to check queue numbers issued by the Housing Finance...



Tietopalvelun alijärjestelmä sisältää Verohallinnon Tietopalvelun tarjoamia verotustietojen rajapintoja. Rajapinnat on suunnattu vain...

API Catalogue statistics for the last 12 months

274New subsystems
210New services


If you want to read this content in English, click on the article name and change the language into English in Suomi.fi Service Management.
