


Overview of the service

The insolvency register is a free-of-charge information search service published on the open network by the Legal Register Centre. The register contains insolvency information from the register of bankruptcies and restructurings, as well as from the register of debt adjustments if the debt was incurred by a private individual in the course of their business activities . The debt adjustment details of debt incurred in private life must still be requested from the Legal Register Centre, which will provide the information free of charge. 

An API to the Suomi.fi Data Exchange Layer has been published for the insolvency register. Customers who join the API can make queries from the register through their own information systems. As a rule, the service is available round the clock (24/7/365). The information in the register is available in Finnish and Swedish. 

Activating the service

API customers are responsible for the deployment of the Suomi.fi Data Exchange Layer and liable for any costs they incur from its use, as well as for the development and maintenance costs of their own information systems. Use of the API service itself is free of charge. 

If you would be interested in opening an API, please send email to ork_yor@om.fi for instructions on using the Data Exchange Layer and a description of the system API.

API customers must notify the Legal Register Centre of activating the service before putting their API into production. The activation notification must include the contact details of the customer/controller (e.g. for possible API changes and information about changes in the register's data content) as well as an estimate of the customer's query numbers (e.g. for assessing service capacity needs). We can send a template for the activation notification to the customer upon request. Please send email to ork_yor@om.fi. More information on the register's data content is available from the same address. 


The Suomi.fi Data Exchange Layer includes test and production environments for the insolvency register. The sub-system ORK_RTJ_maksukyvyttomyysrekisteri-service includes WSDLs and XSDs.

Data Exchange Layer configuration instructions https://palveluhallinta.suomi.fi/en/sivut/palveluvayla/kayttoonotto/vaiheet 

Deployment requires opening data transfer connections between the customer and ORK's security servers. Please address technical questions to: rtj_tuki@om.fi

Identifier in Data Exchange Layer




Additional Info

Field Value
Data Exchange Layer environment (X-Road instance) FI
Organisation type (X-Road member class) GOV
Organisation code (Business ID, X-Road member code) 0245974-7
Organisation code (Business ID, X-Road member code) ORK_RTJ_maksukyvyttomyysrekisteri-service