Maintaining the Population Information System


What is the VTJyllapito interface?

The Population Information System is a basic register containing the personal data about Finnish citizens and foreign citizens residing in Finland on a permanent or temporary basis. The system also contains the information on buildings, construction projects and dwellings as well as the details of the real estate in which the buildings are located.

The information kept in the Population Information System is maintained by the Digital and Population Data Services Agency and the State Department of Åland. The registration of the information is based on statutory notifications made by municipalities, private individuals, religious communities and public authorities. Organisations can report data to the Population Information System via the VTJyllapito interface.

What personal data can be submitted through the interface?

The following information can be submitted to the Population Information System through the VTJyllapito interface:

  • birth of a child
  • names given to the child and mother tongue
  • death
  • activation of an electronic unique identification number
  • changes in membership in religious communities
  • wedding
  • citizenships
  • information on residence permits and other right of residence
  • basic information on a foreigner registered in the Population Information System for the first time, such as name, date of birth, gender and nationality

How does my organisation obtain permission to submit information to the Population Information System?

Request a data access authorisation for maintaining the Population Information System from the Digital and Population Data Services Agency's e-service: https://asiointi.dvv.fi/

Where can I find more information about maintaining the Population Information System?

Identifier in Data Exchange Layer




Additional Info

Field Value
Maintainer Väestörekisterikeskus
Maintainer Email ilmoitusliikenne(at)dvv.fi
Maintainer phone number 0295 535 001
Valid since 2016-08-26
Data Exchange Layer environment (X-Road instance) FI
Organisation type (X-Road member class) GOV
Organisation code (Business ID, X-Road member code) 0245437-2
Organisation code (Business ID, X-Road member code) VTJyllapito