
Test the connection between your Security Server and the Data Exchange Layer

Purpose of the testing services

The Testservice allows you to test the connection of your Security Server to the Data Exchange Layer. The subsystem also contains a few simple test services that allow you to test the operation of SOAP and REST messages on your Security Server.

Testservice contains the following test services:

  • getRandom returns a random integer between 0 and 100 with no call parameters.
  • helloService contains the name call parameter. as a response, it returns a greeting that contains the name given as the parameter value.

Conditions for using the test services

The test services are freely available for the customers of the Data Exchange Layer. The same test services work in the development, test and production environments of the Data Exchange Layer.

Using the test services

Read more about how to use the test services and learn how to prepare test cases in the Data Exchange Layer test services support article.

Identifier in Data Exchange Layer




Additional Info

Field Value
Maintainer Digi- ja väestötietovirasto
Maintainer Email
Data Exchange Layer environment (X-Road instance) FI
Organisation type (X-Road member class) GOV
Organisation code (Business ID, X-Road member code) 0245437-2
Organisation code (Business ID, X-Road member code) TestService