Subsystems lists services and service descriptions offered by organisations that have joined the Data Exchange Layer. A subsystem is used to provide services through the Data Exchange Layer and to connect systems that are used for utilising the services to the Data Exchange Layer.
If you wish to implement a service that is listed in the API Catalogue, read our instructions on implementing services and contact the service provider.
18 subsystems
The Business Information System BIS ("YTJ" in Finnish)
The Business Information System BIS ("YTJ" in Finnish) is a service jointly maintained by the Finnish Patent and Registration Office (PRH) and the Finnish Tax Administration.- WSDL
Information service of the Register of Associations
Yhdistysrekisterin tietopalvelun rajapinnasta voi hakea rekisteritietoja useilla eri hakuehdoilla. Hakuehtoja ovat esim. y-tunnus, rekisterinumero, yhdistyksen nimi, henkilötunnus tai kunta. Hakutuloksia voidaan rajata lisäksi päivämäärien perusteella. Edellytyksenä liitynnän käytölle on Kansalliseen palveluväylään liittyminen (ks....- WSDL
Trade Register Information Service
The Finnish Trade Register is an official and public register of companies, businesses, housing companies and tenant-owners' societies. The Trade Register details are available from the PRH Virre Information Service. Through the Virre interface, you can search for information by Business ID.- ZIP