For customs clearance, a commodity code must be declared for all goods to be imported or exported. It is important to use the correct commodity code; the code determines the amount of customs duty to be levied for the goods as well as the restrictions and the import prohibitions, among others. Read more from .
Fintaric-data export is a public interface for downloading commodity code information for example for system developement. Fintaric is based on the Integrated Tariff of the European Union (TARIC). Fintaric contains measures pertaining to customs, trade and agricultural policies of the EU (for example different customs duties such as general customs duty, preferential duty, anti-dumping duty, countervailing duty and additional customs duty), as well as the import and export restrictions of Finland and of the EU.
Technical specification can be found here:
To join the service, please contact Customs technical help:
The service is free to use.